Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Angel Doll

By S. Murray
Amanda was three years old when she first saw Maggie, "The Angel Doll". Maggie was sitting under a Christmas tree in the local store window that was near the old apartment building where the little girl lived. Amanda just knew inside her heart that Maggie was the name of the doll and she really wanted to hold here. She peered into the cold window, cupping her tiny little hands around her face so that she could see the little doll. Her mother pulled on her coat and told her to get moving so that they could get home before dark because the neighborhood was less than desirable and even worse after dark. Linda was young, about 20 and already looked worn from life. Amanda's father was nowhere in sight; he had left as soon as he found out she was on the way! Life was hard on the young mother and most nights she would drink herself into a stupor after Amanda went to bed, at least that way she could go to sleep without the worry of tomorrow running through her head.

The store, where the angel doll was displayed, sponsored a Christmas party at a nearby Church and offered the children from the neighborhood an opportunity to have a little fun and learn the true meaning of Christmas. Each child that attended the party would be given a wrapped gift, snacks, music and fun! Linda had heard about the party through the babysitter and decided that she would ask Marie to take the little girl because it was the only gift that Amanda would be receiving that year, there was no money for anything else.

The day of the party arrived and Amanda was very excited. Amanda asked Marie if she could dress up in her "bestest" dress, the sitter agreed and helped her to put on the old lace dress she had in her closet. The dress was about 2 sizes too big but that didn't bother Amanda, it made her feel like a princess. The outfit was completed with the old blue tennis shoes and her coat.

When they arrived at the church, there were about 100 kids already there and all were looking excited. The church was decorated and a sparkling tree sat in the center of the recreation room where the party was held. Amanda like the shiny tree but was drawn to the alter in the sanctuary where a manger held a tiny baby Jesus for the world to see. Her tiny hands reached for the baby Jesus but stopped when one of the chaperones told her not to touch it. Saddened, Amanda wandered back to the party and waited patiently to be told what to do next.

All of the children heard the Christmas story of Jesus, were given treats, played games, sang Christmas carols and finally received their gifts. The paper and ribbon began to fly in every direction as the children tore into the wrappings to see what gift they received. Amanda just held hers tightly to her chest and told Marie that she was going to save it for Christmas morning. The sitter was amazed at the will power of the little girl and gladly agreed that it was a wonderful idea. Later that night at home, Amanda sat her gift on the table and wished for a shiny tree to put the package under, but Mommy said there was no money for a tree this year so she would just pretend!

The day had been a long one for Linda and she arrived home to find Amanda asleep on the sofa. The gift sat wrapped and shiny on the table. Linda reached out, touching the ribbons, making her heart hurt at the thought that there was no tree for her child to put it under. She got out the bottle, poured herself a drink and sat there. She began thinking that life was life and she could not fix it, no matter how hard she tried. Linda began to cry. Inside that box on the table, the little doll Maggie listened to the cries of the young mother and she knew that her father, Jesus, had heard the cries too! You see, the little doll Maggie was not a doll at all but an angel sent by the Lord to watch over Amanda. She was an answer to the little girl's prayers for something to hold and love. The father always hears our prayers and sends to us what he knows we need at that time in our lives. The little girl needed a companion and although Jesus was always with her, she could understand the idea of an "angel" doll much easier than something that was "there" but she could not see all the time. Jesus could use the angel doll to teach the little girl that he was with her always and forever.

Christmas came and Amanda opened her gift. Oh, the light that shone from her beautiful eyes as they lit up at the sight of the dolly from the "window". "Thank you Jesus," she said, "’cause you was born! "They told me at church that you loved me and now I know that you can hear me, too!" She hugged the angel doll close to her heart and the little doll Maggie wept with joy at the thought of being able to love this little girl! She could now fulfill her duties of loving the girl just as the Lord desired.

Amanda grew up and through the years of joy, suffering and life's many changes, the little doll was always close by her side. Amanda knew she always had someone to talk to because she would pray to Jesus, talk to Maggie and suddenly whatever the situation was, it seemed to get a little better.

Life for Amanda was different now, she had children of her own but she never forgot Jesus and how he had given her the little doll on her first real Christmas. She tells her children the stories of Jesus and her own little Christmas gift. The doll is old now, the clothes seem worn and tattered but if you look very close, you can see the little angel doll Maggie smile at you. As Maggie smiles her secret little smile, you may then realize that the "angel" inside will never grow old and one day, Jesus will send her to help with the heart of another little girl in need of love.

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